魅族NFC标签创意宣传片 ❝ 2014年05月06日 / Fengzi
魅族 NFC 标签,1套共计6枚,预设有睡眠、名片、会议、驾驶、WiFi、自定义六种模式,适合魅族 MX3 32GB/64GB/128GB 三款带有NFC功能的机型使用。用户只需在“设置”-“网络”中开启NFC ,用手机后背轻碰标签,即可读取标签里的内容,打开自己想要的功能。
Nothing Ever Happens ❝ 2014年05月01日 / Minnie
But nothing ever happens if you stay in your room
Nothing ever happens if you leave the party too soon
Never be a winner if you're not in the game
And nothing ever happens if you always play it safe
Make a little space and get out of your own way