想劈酒 ❝ 2013年06月12日 / Minnie
扮对你客客气气 背后说不三不四
做事你搏到最尾 佢结果攞多过你
你话你 激不激气
今朝有酒 今朝饮饱饮够 开心懒管 谁无厘头
他朝有忧 他朝终可解救 只想劈酒 无求无愁
It Wasn't Me ❝ 2013年06月11日 / Minnie
"It wasn't me" Saw me bangin on the sofa
"It wasn't me" I even had her in the shower
"It wasn't me" She even caught me on camera
"It wasn't me" She saw the marks on my shoulder
"It wasn't me" Heard the words that I told her
"It wasn't me" Heard the screams getting louder
"It wasn't me" She stayed until it was over
远在天边 ❝ 2013年06月10日 / Minnie
多么近 伸手可见
世界上有一种无法量度的距离--你站在我的面前, 而我, 竟然, 不知道, 你爱我。
Lost Boys Calling ❝ 2013年06月09日 / Minnie
Come hold me now
I am not gone
I would not leave you here alon
In this dead calm beneath the waves
I can still hear those lost boys calling
Sunshine Girl ❝ 2013年06月08日 / Minnie
微微的sky照耀着涡动 风吹的方向和以往不同
只要伸个懒觉 就能感到会有什么好事发生