Good Morning 2013年04月25日 / Minnie

Good Morning

Good Morning We've talked the whole night through

Good Morning to you

It's great to stay up late

When the band began to play the stars were shinging bright

Now the milkman's on his way and it's too late to say good night


Wouldn't It Be Loverly 2013年04月15日 / Minnie

Wouldn't It Be Loverly

Lots of chocolate for me to eat.

Lots of coal makin' lots of 'eat.

Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet.

Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?


我们的小世界 2013年04月01日 / Minnie


在这下雨的夜 多想跟着你一起去冒险

在这浪漫的夜 让雨水代替我亲吻你的脸

你对我很特别 你的微笑能映红我的脸

我对你很特别 这是个只属于我们俩的爱的世界
